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Canada's Whales

Marine Protected Area Networks:

A Path to Recovery

Our Whales are In Danger

12 species of whales in Canada are listed as Species At Risk.


Here are 3 species that are in serious trouble.

Southern Resident Killer Whales

Less than 80 left

St Lawrence Beluga

Only 900 left

North Atlantic Right Whale

Only 500 left

Click on each whale below for more information

Southern Resident Killer Whale
St Lawrence Beluga
North Atlantic Right Whale

Lack of food, noise pollution, entanglement in fishing gear, chemical pollution, and vessel traffic all threaten Canada’s whales.


Our whales are being forced to survive in a busy, noisy, and polluted world that they have not had a chance to adapt to.

Our Whales Are Dying

We can’t save our whales, and the rest of marine life, by focussing on one threat at a time.


We need to manage all the threats together by creating marine protected areas (MPAs).


Marine Protected AReas

Marine Protected Areas are places where we reduce or manage all human activities to make safe and quiet spaces for whales and other marine life, with healthy ecosystems and plenty of food.

Networks of


Networks of MPAs can protect the various types of whale habitat, including nursery and feeding areas, migratory corridors, as well as the habitats their prey need to survive.


By protecting these areas, we give whales the protection, space  and resources their populations need to recover.

Southern Resident Killer Whale
North Atlantic Right Whale
St Lawrence Beluga

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The Government of Canada has begun work on a number of MPAs and networks of MPAs that could provide important protection for our whales. But it’s taking too long to protect these sites, they are often too small and harmful activities are allowed to continue.


We need  the government to act quickly and to establish MORE MPAs and MPA networks

Tell the government that we need MPA networks to save our whales.

© 2017 by the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society

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